The L.E.A.N. approach in puts you in the unique place to experience Gratitude, Fulfillment & Purpose, GUARANTEED, because it's designed by YOU...the real Author of Your Life.
The L.E.A.N. way is not just "feeling" grateful, but actually living your best life, so it's impossible to be Un-Grateful. Not as an emotion we experience, but a true awareness we can seek-out EVERY Day.
Consistent Gratitude is the "Why" of this Live Life L.E.A.N. guide, and it's so simple, that it's almost silly. Just 4 things to focus on... C'mon, you know you can
do just 4 things, right?
You “LEARN” something new, “EARN” something not given to You, “ADD” something to the world and Navigate what comes “NEXT”.
- So, imagine You just “LEARNed” something new... How Great does that feel?
GREAT; You're Grateful… BAM!
- You “EARNed” something You know that you did the tuff stuff to get; how Great does it feel? GREAT, You're Grateful.
- You did something, even something simple, to “ADD” to someone else's day; How Great does that feel? GREAT; You're Grateful!
Whether you've Meditated, Prayed or Journaled before, you've not experienced the consistent Gratitude like you will living L.E.A.N. We’re not convincing you of the value of gratitude; that’s for the scientific experts. It's about making you an expert in experiencing gratitude every day.
Don't make "you should be more grateful" into some heavy-handed, religiosity-thing that has to be so "God-Like"... Trying to be God-Like, as a human, is nothing at all like God would want...
And thank God for that!